School uniform with the school logo is sold directly via our supplier, Price & Buckland.
Please visit their website, by clicking on the button below, to place orders and have items delivered directly to your home. There is also the option to have items delivered free to school - these will be delivered on the first and fourth Monday of each month.
A small selection of uniform is still available to purchase from the school office, while stocks last. Please email to check availability and pricing. FoBS (Friends of Bury School) also hold a range of pre-loved uniform items in the main foyer of school (feel free to pop in and have a browse at any time during school hours) - cash donations for any items taken will be gratefully received.
School uniform without logos can be purchased from a range of high street and online stores as well as second-hand retailers.
Naming uniform
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled.
You can order your name labels from Stikins/Label Planet. All orders generate a 30% commission for school funds - please ensure you enter the School Fundraising Number 3300 on your online application to generate this commission. Thank you for your support.
Bury C of E Primary
Tel: 01487 813784
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs C Mayo - School Administrator
Mrs L Jacklin - Admin Assistant
School Address:
Owls End
PE26 2NJ
DEMAT Office Address:
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