

Our Vision

At Bury C of E Primary School,

We love one another and are forgiving of each other,

just as in Christ God forgave us.

We speak the truth in love and show proper respect to everyone.

 This is an invitation to ‘Be More Jesus’.

Our Values

Love: Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 1 John 4:7-8

Forgiveness: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32

Honesty: Speak the truth in love Ephesians 4:15

Respect: Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers (…) 1 Peter 2:17

In our class you will find:

Class Teacher: Mrs L Case

General Reminders

  • Your child will be provided with fruit or vegetables for a break time snack.
  • Our PE day is Tuesday. Your child needs to come into school wearing their PE kit on their PE day.
  • Earrings should not be worn on P.E. days. If your child forgets to remove them, they must be removed by the child (not by staff) for PE. No responsibility can be taken for the custody of items when they are necessarily removed for PE.
  • The children will need their own water bottle in school. Please make sure that they are clearly labelled.
  • Please label all uniform/coats/shoes to ensure that it is identifiable and can be returned to the correct owner.

Welcome Statement

May we take this opportunity to welcome you into the Bury family. This is such a special time in the school life of your child and we look forward to getting to know you and your child. As they put on their uniform for the first time, we are sure you’ll be brimming with pride but wonder where the time has gone since they were a baby! 

We hope that you find all the information you need here but if you want to find out more, please check out the rest of our school website, our school Twitter account or contact the school office. As always, we are here to make this a memorable year for your child, so never hesitate to contact us. 

Our Curriculum

Please see our yearly curriculum overview to find out what your child will be learning this year. 

Reception Curriculum Overview

Take a look at our Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) Knowledge Organisers to see what your child is learning about each half term in more detail. The Knowledge Organisers are a tool that support your child's learning in school and could be a way to support their learning at home. 

Reception Knowledge Organisers

Life in Reception

In Reception we continue to work from EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) documentation. This is a statutory curriculum for all children in England and sets out clear goals (Early Learning Goals) which children aim to achieve by the end of Foundation Stage. We set a baseline assessment for all children in Reception using this to plan effectively for children’s next steps. Children enjoy showing us what they can do and are quick to celebrate success. We model resilience throughout the Foundation Stage encouraging children to take risks and accept new challenges using a play based approach. Lessons are planned to be engaging and fun and continue to be assessed daily.

During your child’s time in Reception, they will access a wide range of independent and adult led activities. Your child will spend time every day accessing the environment in the classroom and outdoor classroom. They will join in whole class and group learning activities, in addition to adult directed tasks one-to-one and in small groups.


Reception Children follow the phonics programme “Sounds Write”. Phonics is taught every day. Tricky words are also taught. Tricky words are words that cannot be sounded out and the children have to learn them by sight. The children learn to blend the sounds they have learnt together to read simple words. Therefore beginning their reading journey.

During the phonics session, the children are also taught the correct pencil grip and correct letter orientation and formation.

Families can enrol for the course ‘Help your child to read and write’ for extra support.

Reading at Home

Your child will be given a decodable book to take home to read. Our decodable books consolidate the phonics taught in your child’s classroom. With step-by-step progression, the child succeeds at each level while learning the phonics needed to become a fluent reader. This approach develops confident readers with reliable reading strategies.

We issue reading records to act as partnership assessment of reading and phonics and it is a valuable tool to help with communication about reading progress. We hope that the form is quick and easy to use as you read with your child and will be used to refer back to.

We ask that home reading should happen every day for approximately 10 minutes. This can include you reading a book to your child. We realise this can sometimes be tricky and will understand if the reading record is not completed. In this instance, we will just send the same book home again for when you are ready. We would be grateful if you could try to complete at least 4 times a week as this will highly benefit your child’s progress.


Mrs Case will send specific homework each week that is linked to the children’s learning. Doing tasks set at home will help to embed learning and gain confidence.

Statutory Assessments – Reception Baseline Assessment

At the start of Reception, the children are expected to take part in the statutory Reception Baseline Assessments (RBA) within the first 6 weeks of starting reception.

The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a new measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between reception and year 6.

The RBA is a short, task-based assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school.

Your child does not need to prepare. There is no pass mark or score and your child should not realise they’re doing an assessment.

As a school, our aim is to ensure that undertaking this baseline is as enjoyable and relaxed experience for your child as possible.

Information for Parents - Reception Baseline Assessment
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