

It is vital that all children are at school every day and on time.

The Importance Of Attendance

REMINDER: Children's attendance should be 100%.

 Any holidays or unauthorised absences taken during school term time may result in a penalty notice being issued (per parent, per child).

"There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and academic achievement… children have little chance of catching up their peers if their attendance is bad." (Department for Education. Improving Attendance at school. Crown 2012)

At Bury C of E we value education and the right for every child to be educated. At the heart of this is regular attendance. We reinforce to children that "We come to school to learn," and that "If we aren't at school, we aren't learning." Being at school every day is very important so that children don't miss out on valuable learning time.

The only reasons to be absent from school should be due to illness or exceptional circumstances. No holidays will be authorised in term time under any circumstances.

Our attendance policy and procedures are in line with Local Authority policy.

Timings of the School Day

08:35 am School gates open 

08:40 am Registration

8:55 am Collective Worship

9:10 am Lessons

10:30 am Morning break 

10:45 am Lessons resume 

12:10 pm Lunch break

1:10 pm Afternoon lessons resume

3:15 pm End of day (Reception finish at 3:10pm)

Celebration Assembly is normally held each Friday at 9.00am - all parents/carers are welcome - please check newsletters for up to date information.

Reporting illness

If your child is ill please contact the school on the first day of absence. Absences can be reported by telephoning the office on 01487 813784 before 8.30 in the morning. Please leave a message on the answerphone if there is no one available to take your call. Alternatively, email the school:

Late Arrival

All children who arrive at school after the classroom doors have closed (8:40am) must report to the front office.

The late arrival will be recorded on the register as ‘L’ slightly late, before registers close.

All children who arrive at school after the close of registration at 8.55am must report to the front office. The late arrival will be recorded on the register as ‘U’ unauthorised late.


If your child is due to leave school during lesson time for any medical reason (e.g. to attend a dental or hospital appointment) please email the school office in advance, attaching proof of the appointment (e.g. hospital letter) where possible. For any non-medical absence request, please complete the 'Request for Leave of Absence' form below and hand to the office. 


Request for Leave of Absence Attendance Policy Cambridgeshire County Council School Attendance

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